Stúpa Lokátor
Would you like to know where the stupa is located in your area? We are aware that sometimes it is not easy to find the stupa and often it happens to us that we have the stupa "around the corner" and we did not even know about it. That is why we bring you this unique Stupa Locator - Stupa Finder.
You can find the stupas directly on the map, where after clicking on the stupa icon you can see which stupa it is, where to find it, the website and also the route planning. The second option is just below the map - a list of stupas by country. When you click on a specific stupa in the list, you can view a more detailed description of the stupa, including a photo and other details.
If you know of any other stupa in Europe that is not on our map, we will be very happy if you let us know about it.
We wish you a pleasant search and maybe we will meet at some stupa.