Stupa Locator
Would you like to know where the stupa is located in your area? We are aware that sometimes it is not easy to find the stupa and often it happens to us that we have the stupa "around the corner" and we did not even know about it. That is why we bring you this unique Stupa Locator - Stupa Finder.
You can find the stupas directly on the map, where after clicking on the stupa icon you can see which stupa it is, where to find it, the website and also the route planning. The second option is just below the map - a list of stupas by country. When you click on a specific stupa in the list, you can view a more detailed description of the stupa, including a photo and other details.
If you know of any other stupa in Europe that is not on our map, we will be very happy if you let us know about it.
We wish you a pleasant search and maybe we will meet at some stupa.
Mokrovraty - Stupa of Enlightenment
Těnovice u Plzně - Stupa of Enlightenment
Brloh u ČB - Stupa of Enlightenment
Velký Šenov - Stupa of Enlightenment
Nová Bošáca - Stupa of Enlightenment
Bratislava - Parinirvana Stupa

Chökuling Buddhist Center – Mokrovraty
Mokrovraty 1, 262 03 Mokrovraty
+420 776 873 608,
Stupa height: 6 meters
Year of completion: 2023
Tradition: Rime

Diamond Way Buddhism Center - Těnovice
Těnovice 55 p. Spálené Poříčí 335 61, Czech Republic
+420 603 174 594
Stupa height: 7 meters
Year of completion: 2014
Tradition: Karma Kagyu

Phendeling, Center for the Study and Practice of the Science of Dzogchen in the Czech Republic - Brloh
Brloh 309 (Kuklov), 382 03 Křemže, Czech Republic
+420 602 515 957,
In the retreat center of the International Dzogchen Community in the Czech Republic, in Phendeling
near the village of Brloh in South Bohemia, there is a stupa measuring 6 meters, connected with the cycle of teachings Longsal, which is passed on by the holder of this unique term (treasure of space) Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.
Stupa height: 6 meters
Year of completion: 2018
Tradition: Dzogchen

Educational and cultural center for the regions of Asia - Velký Šenov
Thonmi zs
Velký Šenov No. 41
407 78 Velký Šenov, Czech Republic
+420 721 802 775
The Tibon Stupa is a part of the Thonmi zs complex. The construction was completed in 2017. The stupas belong to everyday life in Tibetan and other areas of Central Asia. They are not only a symbol of Buddhism, but also represent the arrangement of the universe.
Stupa height: 4 meters
Year of completion: 2017
Tradition: -

Zen Center Vrážné
Vrážné 3, 569 43 Vrážné, Czech Republic
+420 608 169 042
The stupa is located in the garden of the Zen Center in Vrážné and is accessible by prior arrangement. The opening ceremony in 2018 was led by Zen Master Dae Kwang (USA) and Zen Master Dae Kwan (HongKong) with the participation of other teachers and students of the Zen School Kwan Um from around the world. The stupa measures 2 meters in height and is mounted on a half-ton slate slab. It is planted on the sides with red Japanese maples. The stupa includes Śarīra of Zen master Seung Sahna, the founder of the Zen school of Kwan Um, and the 78th Patriarch in a direct line from the Buddha.
Stupa height: 2 meters
Year of completion: 2018
Tradition: Zen School Kwan Um

Wangdenling, Dzogchen International Community - Nova Bosaca
Spain, Nova Bosaca, Slovakia
+421 951231554
Wangdenling is located in the beautiful surroundings of the White Carpathians, in the Bošácká valley, in the cadastre of the village of Nová Bošáca. The part of Wangdenling is the background, meditation gompa and stupa, 4.8 meters high.
Stupa height: 4.8 meters
Year of completion: 2013
Tradition: Dzogchen

Karma Thegsum Chöling Slovakia - Bratislava
Kuzmányho 14, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovakia
+421 950 433 779
Parinirvana Stupa, made by CNC milling machine from Božanov sandstone, stands in the heart of Bratislava. It shows the attainment of ultimate peace. Its height is 2.5 meters. The stupa was filled and consecrated by Lama Tashi Dondrub from Toronto, Canada. The ritual lasted 5 days.
Stupa height: 2.5 meters
Year of completion: 2019
Tradition: Karma Kagyu

Kalachakra Kalapa Center - Garanas
Garanas 41, 8541 Bad Schwanberg, Austria
+43 699 12151291
Stupa height: 7 meters
Year of completion: 2002
Tradition: Gelug

Nipponzan Myohoji - Vienna
Peace Parade, Hafenzufahrtsstraße A-1020 Vienna, Austria
+43. (0) 1.7263551,
The Vienna Peace Pagoda is a Buddhist stupa on the Danube in Vienna. The stupa was built between 1982 and 1983 according to the plans of the architect Franz Richard Schnabel and was carried out by Japanese monks of the Nipponzan Myōhōji order. The inauguration ceremony took place on September 25, 1983, in the presence of the founder of the Nipponzan Order, Myōhōji Nichidatsu Fujii, and representatives of various Buddhist orders and traditions. The stupa is 26 meters high. The central statue depicts Shakyamuni Buddha, 7 reliefs around the perimeter depict scenes from the life of Siddhartha Gautama - from birth, through enlightenment, teaching and parinirvana.
Stupa height: 26 meters
Year of completion: 1983
Tradition: Nipponzan Myohoji

Peace Stupa in Grafenwörth
Wallner-Vetter-Gasse, 3484 Grafenwörth, Austria
+43 664 340 1046
The Peace Stupa in Grafenwörth is the largest stupa in Europe when height and inner space are taken together. The intention of Bop Jon Sunim Tenzin Tharchin, the spiritual leader of the Stupa project, in building this stupa was to follow the recommendation of Buddha Shakyamuni, as given in the Lotus Sutra, to build stupas for the benefit of all beings, especially in times of strife and disharmony. The Peace Stupa in Grafenwörth is the second stupa in Europe built under Sunim’s guidance; the other is the Peace Stupa in Zalaszántó, Hungary, which was dedicated by H.H. the XIV Dalai Lama in 1993. H.H. the XIV Dalai Lama also approved Sunim’s plans for the Peace Stupa in Grafenwörth. The architecture of the stupa is reminiscent of Indo-Greek style stupas of the 2nd century BCE, but with the dome sitting on a tiered, rather than single rounded base. The spacious interior with its minimalist simplicity was constructed with ecological, local materials.

Stupa height: 32.5 meters
Year of completion: 2021
Tradition: Non-sectarian Buddhist
Druk Yul Park - Vienna
Rosenhügelstraße, 1230 Wien, Austria
The Bhutanese Stupa is located in Druk Yul Park, named after a small constitutional monarchy in the eastern Himalayas - Bhutan. In the local language, the land is called Druk Yul - the land of the thunder dragon. In 2010, on the initiative of the Austro-Bhutanese Society for Friendship, Cooperation and Culture, the Bhutanese Stupa (Chörten), also known as the Happy Tower, was built by students from the College of Industrial Design in Mödling. The park was then inaugurated on April 6, 2012 in the presence of the ambassadors of China, India and Bhutan. The Mani wall was also added this year. The stupa brings happiness, freedom, health and peace to all sentient beings in the vicinity.
Stupa height: 2 meters
Year of completion: 2010
Tradition: Bhutanese Buddhism

Diamond Way Buddhism Center - Linz
Hauptplatz 15/15, 4020 Linz, Austria
+ 43-732-68 08 31
The Enlightenment Stupa can be found in the public park on Freinberg in Linz.
July 2, 2012 Thaye Dorje, His Holiness, the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa visited Linz for the first time and together with Lama Ole Nydahl held a ceremonial opening ceremony for the construction of the Stupa of the Enlightenment, which was built in a public park and solemnly consecrated in August 2013 by Lama Ole Nydahl . Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche also visited Linz during the construction of the stupa.
Stupa height: 6.8 meters
Year of completion: 2013
Tradition: Karma Kagyu

Diamond Way Buddhism Center - Salzburg
Linzer Gasse 27, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
+43 (676) 6126014,
His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje gave the project a blessing at a meeting in autumn 2008 in Vienna. The stupa was inaugurated on September 23, 2011 in a park on Mönchsberg. Lama Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche inaugurated the stupa according to an ancient Buddhist tradition in the presence of city politicians and about two thousand guests from all over the world.
Stupa height: 7 meters
Year of completion: 2011
Tradition: Karma Kagyu

Diamond Way Buddhism Center - Graz
Pfeifferhofweg 94, A-8045 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 (316) 670700,
The Diamond Way Buddhist Center in Graz dates back to 1972, when Lama Ole Nydahl - at the request of the 16th Karmapa - began his activities as a lama of the Diamond Way by passing on his first Buddhist teachings in Graz. To bless this vast and growing Diamond Way Buddhist activity, Lopön Tsechchu Rinpoche began building the Stupa of Wisdom in 1998 in a newly renovated center, where about 15 people live all the time. In this way, the inhabitants of the center in Graz wanted to keep in mind the first teachings given by Lama Ole Nydahl at that place.
Stupa height: 6.8 meters
Year of completion: 1998
Tradition: Karma Kagyu

Association for the Promotion of Buddhist Values - She Drup Ling, Graz Austria
Volksgarten Graz, Austria
+43 699 12151291
From 1995 to 1998, She Drup Ling was responsible for initiating and supervising the construction of the Peace Stupa in the Volksgarten Park in Graz, which was solemnly consecrated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1998. Thanks to the generosity of Graz, the first stupa was built on public land in Austria. .
Stupa height: 7 meters
Year of completion: 1998
Tradition: Gelug

Yeshe Sal Ling Bön center - Radegund bei Graz
Kurweg 2, 8061 St. Radegund bei Graz, Austria
At the request of Yongdzin Rinpoche, the Yungdrung Köleg Stupa was built in Yeshe Sal Ling in the spring of 2019. In February 2020, Lama Sangye placed a statue of Tonpa Shenrab in a niche of the stupa. The stupa is now complete. Her ordination was scheduled for May 2020, but had to be postponed due to the pandemic. The consecration of the stupa will take place as soon as the situation is safer, perhaps in 2021. Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche will hand over the empowerment, many outstanding Lamas will perform rituals, and Ghazom Lhamo will chant mantras.
Stupa height: 10 meters
Year of completion: 2020
Tradition: Bön

Buddhist Retreat Center - Kuchary
Kuchary 57, 09-210 Drobin, Poland
+48 24 260 10 56
Lobpyn Tseczu Rinpoche, a great master of meditation, close student of the XVI Karmapa and one of Lama Ole's teachers, is an authority on the construction of stupas. On 29 July 2002 in Kuchary the ceremony of the Inauguration of the Miracle Stupa was held. The ceremony was conducted by Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche. On 27.7 and 28.7 Rinpoche gave also the empowerments of Marpa and the Buddha of the Highest Bliss (tib. Khorlo Demchog), the main yidam of the Kagyu lineage. On Sunday (28.7) in the evening, Lama Ole Nydahl gave a lecture. The Stupa of Miracles in Kuchary is the nineteenth that Rinpoche and architect Wojtek Kossowski have built worldwide over the last 10 years.

Stupa height: 7 meters
Year of completion: 2002
Tradition: Karma Kagyu
Dropan Ling Dharma Center - Darnków
Darnków 18, 57 - 343 Lewin Kłodzki, Poland
(+48) 601 35 77 76
The stupa, containing the relics of the late Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche, is one of the largest monuments of its kind in Europe. Its size is 9x9x17 meters and is called the Stupa of Enlightenment. In 2007, Tulku Ugyen Chemchok, the son of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche, dedicated a site under construction. In 2009, Rigdzin Pema Rinpoche, a famous expert on stupas, provided drawings and a list of substances needed to fill the stupa. In the autumn of the same year, construction work began and the foundation was laid. 26th August 2013 Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche consecrated the stupa to benefit
all sentient beings.
Stupa height: 17 meters
Year of completion: 2013
Tradition: Ňingma

Benchen Buddhist Center - Grabnik
Grabnik 4, 96-313 Jaktorow, Poland
+48 885 108 002
The Stupa of Enlightenment at the Benchen Buddhist Center contain the relics of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche. In August 2013, His Eminence Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche set out the site for the stupa and carried out the ceremony of consecrating the ground for construction. In order to make sure all works were conducted in accordance to traditional Dharmic procedures, Lama Gelek Paljor - the assistant of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche for many years, supervised them. The consecration ceremony was held by Sangter Rinpoche, Khenpo and Benchen lamas on the 19th August 2018.
Stupa height: 7.5 meters
Year of completion: 2018
Tradition: Karma Kagyu

Ligmincha Polska - Wilga
Aleja Huberta 4, 08-470 Wilga, Poland
Stupa height: -
Year of completion: -
Tradition: Bön

Peace Stupa in Zalaszántó
8353 Zalaszántó, Világosvár 13, Hungary
+36 30 143 9460
The peace stupa in Zalaszántó, built under the direction of Bop Jon Sunim Tenzin Tharchin, is 30 meters high and 24 meters wide. It overlooks Lake Balaton from the 316-meter-high Világosvár Hill. It is one of the largest stupas in Europe. Inside the stupa are the Buddha's teachings, relics and a 24-meter tree of life. The Buddha statue is from South Korea. The construction lasted from March to the end of September 1992 with the help of Austrian public and private subsidies. The Peace Stupa was solemnly consecrated on June 17, 1993 by His Holiness, XIV. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso.

Stupa height: 30 meters
Year of completion: 1993
Tradition: non-sectarian Buddhism