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Stupa of Reconciliation

The Stupa of Reconciliation or the stupa of unification are related with disrupt in Sanga. Stupa was built in honor of reconciliation in the community in Rajagrha.

This stupa commemorates the Buddha’s reconciliation of the disputing factions within the Sangha which had been divided by the enmity of his cousin Devadatta. Buddha reunited the Sangha at the Veluvana bamboo grove at Rajagrha, and the local inhabitants of the kingdom of Magadha constructed a stupa in this design. The reconciliation stupa is characterized by its four octagonal steps with equal sides. Furthermore, various symbolic meanings are given for the four levels of eights-sided steps, which total thirty-two in number.

Stupa in Tibetan style

tibetska stupa sjednoceni 1
tibetska stupa sjednoceni 2
tibetska stupa sjednoceni 3


Total height      34,5 cm

Base width      18 cm

Internal volume        1 litter


Without filling approx.   4,4 kg


Ceramic mass - artificial stone

Stupa in Asian style

stupa sjednoceni 1
stupa sjednoceni 2
stupa sjednoceni 3
stupa sjednoceni 4
stupa sjednoceni 5
stupa sjednoceni 6
stupa sjednoceni 7
stupa sjednoceni 8
stupa sjednoceni 9
stupa sjednoceni 10
stupa sjednoceni 11
stupa sjednoceni 12


Total height      37,5 cm

Base width      18,2 cm

Internal volume        1,25 litters


Without filling approx.   4,4 kg


Ceramic mass - artificial stone

Rajagrha - the place of reconciliation

"King Ajatasatru possessed a very ferocious elephant. Devadatta, hearing that the Buddha was comming to Rajagrha, arranged to have the elephant escape. As the Buddha came toward the city, Devadatta went to the palace terrace to see the Buddha killed, but when the elephant came rushing at the Buddha, the Enlightened One tamed the elephant with a few words, and the ferocious beast knelt at his feat".              -Múlasarvástivádin Vinaja

For this specific event, Rajagrha, where the Buddha overcame several of Devadatta's attempts to do him bodily harm, became one of the Eight Great Wonders. Devadatta's efforts to divide the sangha and take the disciples to their side failed. At Rajagrha, the Buddha attracted many more outstanding disciples, including Sariputra, foremost in knowledge of the Abhidharma, Maudgalyayana, foremost in psychic powers, and Mahakasyapa, the great ascetic and first patriarch of the Dharma. Here the Buddha and the Sangha spent at least five varsakas, the annual three-month retreat held during the rainy season. Long before Rajagrha was depicted in representations of the Eight Great Wonders, the city had earned an enduring place in Buddhist history as the first home for the Sangha and the site of many of the Buddha's teachings.  


~ Holy places of the Buddha

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